gg Lock Festival :: ABOUT ::



About gg Lock Festival

アーティストやクリエイターと一緒に、小さな幸せをテーマに活動するプロジェクト「gg」。2002年から移動式の雑貨屋を経て、2006年から8坪の毎月変わる小さな雑貨屋を2年限定で代官山にオープン。終了の2008年より一旦店舗活動をLock(施錠)し、「gg Lock Art Festival」をスタートさせました。年に一度ゆかりのある地域で、アーティストとともにfesを開催しています。一回目は、横浜のBankArt、二回目の昨年は、過疎問題をかかえる長野県中条村の音楽堂。そして今年2010年の会場は、南スウェーデンに決定!

スウェーデン3番目の都市マルメを中心に自然豊かな南スウェーデンのスコーナ地方の数カ所の会場にて、エキシビジョンやパーティなどを開催します。初の海外でのgg Lock をお楽しみに。

While founded in from the idea of creating a little happiness for everyone, 「gg」is a group of artists that have been able to consistently re-invent and innovate themselves since its inception. When first started up in 2002, 「gg」did not even have a permanent location, instead taking the shape of a traveling general store with the eventual opening of a store in Daikanayama, Tokyo in 2006.The Daikanyama store was known for its ever changing rotation of goods and concepts, with new things arriving every month.

With the closing of the Daikanyama store in 2008, 「gg」decided to start the 『gg Lock Art Festival』, an annual art event taking place at various points in Japan. In 2008 the festival was held at BankArt in Yokohama, last year the event moved to Ongakudo in the village of Nakajo in Nagano prefecture.

This year the event is making a big leap and going all the way to Sweden! That's right, the 2010 『gg Lock Art Festival』will be held in the beautiful city of Malmo, Sweden - the third largest city in the country and surrounded by natural beauty.

The festival will be held at 4 different venues throughout the city and will be chock full of art exhibitions, live music and all sorts of parties.
「gg」and friends are looking forward to seeing you this year at the 2010 『gg Lock Art Festival』!